Tuesday, 24 September 2013

New Media Broad Awards: Recognizing outstanding achievements in online communication

New Media is increasingly playing a key
role in the messaging process of key
players in business, government and at
even private levels. What used to be an
appurtenance is now a necessity for
brands that care about how they are
perceived. While the use of these tools
and forms of communication have
become the norm for the most
forward-looking organizations, it has
become crucial to celebrate those who
are not only doing it well but doing it
differently without losing their brand

We believe that recognizing excellence
in the use of new media and digital
communications today will help raise
the ante in the industry for the future.
We will be looking forward to
celebrating the various entries into the
30 award categories of Broad Awards
but most importantly, we will be
looking forward to celebrating our
people, our culture and our advances in
the art of corporate, public and private
communication on new media and
digital communications.

The Nigerian Digital Communication and
Entertainment company, iBroad Group
is proud to announce the launch of its
award website http://ibroadgroup.com/
awards/ iBroad Group’s Broad Awards
for New Media. The platform will
serveas a unique, user-friendly portal
that’d be a digital desk for Broad
Awards for New Media applicants. It
wouldbe an online communication
platform forNew Media mavens,
newbies and afro-centric online media
fans worldwide.

Over the years, the field of professional
communication has experienced a
significant change through new media
communication, and this has become
one of the fastest growing, innovative
communication sub-sector for
companies, institutions and
organizations. In order to advance
excellence in the practice and
deployment of New Media, to
encourage an active exchange among
practitioners, iBroad Group has
launched an Africa-wide competition for
excellence in online communication and
social media on a practical level through
the Broad Awards for New Media. It
will be a fair, transparent and
independent competition, with a high-
level jury panel formed by leading
practitioners who will rate superior
online strategies, campaigns and social
media tools from across Africa.

Furthermore, the academia will for once
be recognized in a mainstream award
for the outstanding Bachelor and
Masters’ thesis dealing with online
To thrill consumers or employees
requires a great deal of energy as well
as ground breaking ideas. The influence
of new media continues to grow,
however mobile and viral
communication, online events and
competitions are becoming increasingly
important. Therefore, the Broad Awards
for New Media has utilized this
experience to create all the categories
to meet up with the expectations of the
general public, New Media enthusiasts
and those with specific interests in the
"war for talents" in this arena. We have
implemented specific categories that
will honour success in the field of online
communication. We willhonour
outstanding achievements at an African
level.We will particularly be interested
in innovative communication campaigns
and technologically outstanding projects
that will be submitted to our jurors.

Never before has the whole range of
online communication been taken into
account in a single award, uniting
leading communication professionals.
We invite you to compete for the New
Media Broad Awards. Become a proud
winner of this prestigious award and
celebrate your success with your peers.
Submit your innovative projects and
campaigns in a total of 30 categories
online. We are looking forward to
receiving your inspiring and pioneering
work within the field of online

For us at the iBroad Group, we believe
the future is here, hence our
excitement in the power and
possibilities that could arise from the
use of New Media and new tools of
social and corporate communications.
We believe that the introduction of the
awards will usher in a new level of
engagement, professionalism and
excellence in the field. When we finally
gather in Lagos for the awards, we
believe that we will be hosting some of
Africa’s biggest players in this field. It is
time to show how much Africa can do, it
is time to show how much Africa has
indeed done. We are very much excited
about these awards and we believe our
excitement will reach new levels when
we start receiving your nominations for
the various categories.

Please email info@broadawards.com for
enquiries and visit
www.broadawards.com to nominate
your choices. Welcome to the future of
New Media, welcome to the frontier of
change in Africa, let us celebrate the
Broad Awards for New Media.

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